Hello, I'm Sugar, Team OneFist's new Cyber Commander. Much of my experience was stated in a previous blog post announcing my promotion, so I'll just sprinkle in a few details. I have experience in Mental Health, Finance, and Education. Currently, I'm a small business owner. I have no experience with hacking or coding, but I'm in the process of learning, which is something I love doing. That's about all I can say about my personal life. It's been a short, but very interesting journey to get where I am now.
I joined Anonymous in October of 2022 at the request of my best friend who asked for help on an op (operation). Prior to joining, I was a memer for 3 years and became well known in the community I was a part of. After so long, the followers and the 'game' got old and I no longer felt the joy of making people laugh. So, I left the meme life and started my path with Anonymous.
I was immediately brought into a chaotic and strange group of people that my best friend *thought* she knew well. I was excited, nervous, and anxious to begin my work with the collective. I dove head first into my first op, OpNeverAlone which helps combat cyber bullying and harassment; something I knew all too well. Because of my education (BA in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy) and experience working in mental health, I quickly became the groups unofficial therapist. I made sure everyone was clear about what I legally and ethically can and cannot do, so I didn't put myself in a legal bind. Very long and drawn out story short, the group dramatically disbanded and 'sides' were taken. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was one that lead me to where I am now.
One of my former "patients" is the reason I was accepted into Team OneFist in January 2023. He spoke highly of me to our founder, Voltage and after a one on one discussion with Voltage, I was in. To say that I was not prepared is a HUGE understatement. Here I am with some of the best hackers, OSNIT (Open Source Intelligence), coders, and cyber security experts in the world (no exaggeration). I was in awe and felt completely out of place. The only specialty I had any knowledge or experience in was OSNIT. I have a Masters degree in Criminal Justice specializing in Crime and Intelligence Analysis. I was *supposed* to get my dream job working in the Intelligence Community, but life had other plans. However, I finally have a place to use the knowledge that I have.
I once again became the unofficial therapist for the team; a role that I really do love. I learned the ropes quickly and soaked up any and all information and training that was available. It's in my nature to help, so I found myself taking on multiple administrative and operational roles by February. I'm unsure exactly when I began to take more of a leadership or even why, but that's where I landed. Fast forward a few months and I'm now Cyber Commander and co-leader of Team OneFist. The universe works in mysterious ways and after searching for years, I have finally found my purpose.
I can't wait to share more with you all and give you a glimpse into the life of a Team OneFist Cyber Commander.