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What Glitters Isn't Always Gold

I'll be honest, leading a team of 20+ people is exhausting. I absolutely love it and I love our team, but some days it wears you out. We may not be on the front lines physically, but we are still very much involved with the war. There are a lot of moving parts that need to be tended to in order to make our ability to help Ukraine work. I was very hopeful that once the BBC interview aired, we wouldn't be stuck in the red with our donations, but unfortunately I overestimated our relevancy. I know people are wondering what the hell we would need donations for and the majority of the need is the software and access tools.

Before I took over the teams financials, I had zero clue what it cost on our end. I would have laughed at someone if they told me some software was $500+, but it is very much not a laughing matter. In addition to software, some of our senior most people are in need of better computers and renewed access keys in order to be the most effective. Yet, we've made $100 which covered the cost of purchasing Twitter Blue to increase our social media presence, and thus bring in donations. It's frustrating as we as leaders don't have the personal means to fund the war ourselves. I completely understand peoples' inability or apprehension to donate, since there are so many bad actors that have taken advantage of peoples' charity. We are not and will never be one of those people; not as long as Voltage and I are involved.

Aside from the donation issue, I'm struggling to meet my recruitment goal before the big mission kicks off. We've added 6 new recruits who are blowing my mind without their abilities and willingness to jump head first into work. We're still in need of 4 more people and it's proven to be difficult to fill those slots. Applications have slowed down and recently, the ones who have applied, aren't qualified or willing to do our vetting process and meet our requirements. Frustration central. It's not a matter of getting warm bodies on, it's about getting warm bodies who are capable and willing to fight that seems to be the issue.

Like I said: not all that glitters is gold.



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